Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Linux Exploit Development Pt 2 (rev 2) - Real App Demo (part 2)

In short why another part 2 if we already have one?

Recently I've been receiving feedback from people who have read the papers and amongst those _sinn3r and corelanc0d3r actually recommended I should also give examples using real vulnerable application.

About the paper:
I will not be repeating myself, this paper does not contain any theory in it. If you do not have the required knowledge I suggest you first read my part 2 paper before trying this: Linux Exploit Writing Tutorial Pt 2 - Stack Overflow ASLR bypass Using ret2reg

The paper can be found here and long with the paper I've also made a quick video demonstration:

Linux exploit development part 2 (rev 2) - Demo from sickness on Vimeo.

Hope you enjoy it and have fun :)

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